Active Directory - On Premise Identity with Windows Server

Kurskod T2422

Active Directory - On Premise Identity with Windows Server

Denna utbildning ger dig kunskaperna för att konfigurera och hantera Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) i en distribuerad miljö, implementera Group Policy samt ta kontroll över Active Directory-relaterade arbetsmoment i en Windows Server-baserad miljö.

39950 kr (exklusive moms)
5 dagar
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Ort och startdatum
3 feb
Live Online
31 mar
Live Online
23 jun
Stockholm, Live Online

Boka utbildning

Vi tar även upp andra Active Directory-tjänster såsom Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) och Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS).

Kursen och laborationerna behandlar Windows Admin Center samt traditionella verktyg som PowerShell och Serverhanteraren. Den baseras på Windows Server 2022, men huvuddelen av innehållet är tillämpbart även på tidigare versioner av Windows Server såsom 2016 i allmänhet och 2019 i synnerhet.

Active Directory, Azure AD eller Entra ID

Windows Server Active Directory är Microsofts katalogtjänst för On Premise-tjänster. Söker du utbildning i Microsofts katalogtjänst för molntjänster, Azure AD som 2023 bytte namn till Entra ID, rekommenderar vi istället vår kurs Microsoft Entra ID - Identity and Access Administrator.

Målgrupp och förkunskaper

Kursen riktar sig till IT-proffs som arbetar dagligen i en Windows-baserad nätverksmiljö och skall hantera Active Directory och identitetshantering.

Du som deltar förutsätts besitta följande förkunskaper:

  • Viss erfarenhet av att arbeta med och konfigurera Windows Server.
  • Grundläggande förståelse för AD DS i Windows Server.
  • Grundläggande kunskaper i fundamentala nätverksteknologier såsom exempelvis IP-addressering, namnupplösning och DHCP.
  • Grundläggande förståelse för nätverkssäkerhet.
  • Vara bekant med angränsande teknologier såsom virtualisering (Hyper-V) och klientoperativ (Exempelvis Windows 10).
  • Grundläggande kunskaper i Windows PowerShell.

För att alltid hålla en hög kvalitet på våra teknikkurser använder vi både engelsk- och svensktalande experter som kursledare.

Detaljerad information

Kursmaterialet är på engelska, med detta innehåll:

Installing and configuring domain controllers

This module describes the features of AD DS and how to install domain controllers (DCs). It also covers the considerations for deploying DCs.

  • Overview of AD DS
  • Overview of AD DS domain controllers
  • Deploying a domain controller
Managing objects in AD DS

This module describes how to use various techniques to manage objects in AD DS. This includes creating and configuring user, group, and computer objects.

  • Managing user accounts
  • Managing groups in AD DS
  • Managing computer objects in AD DS
  • Using Windows PowerShell for AD DS administration
  • Implementing and managing OUs
Advanced AD DS infrastructure management

This module describes how to plan and implement an AD DS deployment that includes multiple domains and forests. The module provides an overview of the components in an advanced AD DS deployment, the process of implementing a distributed AD DS environment, and the procedure for configuring AD DS trusts.

  • Overview of advanced AD DS deployments
  • Deploying a distributed AD DS environment
  • Configuring AD DS trusts
Implementing and administering AD DS sites and replication

This module describes how to plan and implement an AD DS deployment that includes multiple locations. The module explains how replication works in a Windows Server AD DS environment.

  • Overview of AD DS replication
  • Configuring AD DS sites
  • Configuring and monitoring AD DS replication
Implementing Group Policy

This module describes how to implement a GPO infrastructure. The module provides an overview of the components and technologies that compose the Group Policy framework.

  • Introducing Group Policy
  • Implementing and administering GPOs
  • Group Policy scope and Group Policy processing
  • Troubleshooting the application of GPOs
Managing user settings with Group Policy

This module describes how to configure Group Policy settings and Group Policy preferences. This includes implementing administrative templates, configuring folder redirection and scripts, and configuring Group Policy preferences.

  • Implementing administrative templates
  • Configuring Folder Redirection, software installation, and scripts
  • Configuring Group Policy preferences
Securing Active Directory Domain Services

This module describes how to configure domain controller security, account security, password security, and Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSA).

  • Securing domain controllers
  • Implementing account security
  • Implementing audit authentication
  • Configuring managed service accounts
Deploying and managing AD CS

This module describes how to implement an AD CS deployment. This includes deploying, administering, and troubleshooting CAs.

  • Deploying CAs
  • Administering CAs
  • Troubleshooting and maintaining Cas
Deploying and managing certificates

This module describes how to deploy and manage certificates in an AD DS environment. This involves deploying and managing certificate templates, managing certificate revocation and recovery, using certificates in a business environment, and implementing smart cards.

  • Deploying and managing certificate templates
  • Managing certificate deployment, revocation, and recovery
  • Using certificates in a business environment
  • Implementing and managing smart cards
Implementing and administering AD FS

This module describes AD FS and how to configure AD FS in a single-organization scenario and in a partner-organization scenario.

  • Deploying and managing certificate templates
  • Managing certificate deployment, revocation, and recovery
  • Using certificates in a business environment
  • Implementing and managing smart cards
Monitoring, managing, and recovering AD DS

This module describes how to monitor, manage, and maintain AD DS to help achieve high availability of AD DS.

  • Deploying and managing certificate templates
  • Managing certificate deployment, revocation, and recovery
  • Using certificates in a business environment
  • Implementing and managing smart cards

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