Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals

Den här kursen ger dig en bra grund i och översikt över Power Platform.
Du får en introduktion till de olika komponenterna Power Apps, Power BI, Power Automate, Copilot Studio och Dataverse.
Målgrupp och förkunskaper
Den här kursen vänder sig till alla som vill lära sig hur Power Platform kan användas för att effektivisera affärsprocesser och analysera data.
Du bör vara en van datoranvändare, men i övrigt krävs inga särskilda förkunskaper.
För att alltid hålla en hög kvalitet på våra teknikkurser använder vi både engelsk- och svensktalande experter som kursledare.
Detaljerad information
Kursmaterialet är på engelska, med detta innehåll:
Business value of the Microsoft Power Platform
Learn about the components of Microsoft Power Platform, the business value for customers, and how the technology works with other Microsoft products.
Foundational components of Microsoft Power Platform
Learn about the key foundational elements of Power Platform such as administration and the security and governance features. Additionally, we cover such as core capabilities as Microsoft Dataverse and data connectors.
Build applications with Microsoft Power Apps
Learn about the value and capabilities of Microsoft Power Apps and ways citizen and professional developers use this technology to build simple applications for their business.
Building automation with Microsoft Power Automate
Microsoft Power Automate is all about process automation. Power Automate allows anyone with knowledge of the business process to create repeatable flows that, when triggered, leap into action and perform the process for them.
Capabilities of Microsoft Power BI
Learn how you can use Power BI to easily build reports and dashboards with interactive visualizations and AI-driven insights.
Capabilities of Microsoft Power Pages
Learn about Microsoft Power Pages, the platform for creating, hosting, and administering modern external-facing websites using shared business data stored in Microsoft Dataverse.
AI authoring in Power Platform
Learn about Microsoft Copilot Studio, a low-code solution for customizing Copilot experiences and building generative AI tools. AI Builder, in turn, allows you to build and use AI models that optimize your business processes.
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